The costs of membership to the Shoeburyness Conservative Club are as follows:
Individual Full Membership £30.00 or £35 if joining in 2025
Individual Senior Citizen * £15.00
Joint Full Membership £50.00 or £60 if joining in 2025
Joint Senior Citizen (£12.50 per person) * £25.00
Country Membership ** £15.00
Life Membership Free ****
Inter-Affiliation Membership *** £3.00
* Members cannot avail themselves of Senior Citizen Rate of Membership until serving 5 years continuous membership. Women and men have to reach the Government pension age to qualify. This does not apply to members joining from 2023.
** Country memberships may be granted to existing members who live outside a 50-mile radius of the clubhouse.
*** Inter-Affiliation cards are now £3.00
**** Life memberships are awarded to any member who has been a continued member for 25 years and has attained the Government pension age or, to any member less than the Government pension age with 40 years' continuous membership. You must apply for this concession in writing the first time and complete a life membership renewal form each year thereafter. This does not apply to members joining from 2023.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to get in touch with us. We're always happy to hear from our members.